Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Product Review: Hornady Case Prep Trio - Part 2

Why is it that good manufacturers slap their name on sub par gear every once in awhile?

My case prep trio just shit the bed.   It was light use, I didn't try and work out crimped cases, just chamfering the inside and outside of case necks.   Not a lot of stress on the product at all.

It sat idle for over a year when my son was born, but now with a little more free time, I was back to stock up my ammunition supply.    Only, when it came out of the box from the back of the drawer, it had two dead tool heads.

Curious as to what caused it, I opened the front plate and two of the three plastic gears had cracked and failed.   Easy enough to fix..  call Hornady and ask to purchase some replacement gears.   I'll be back up and running in a week?  Heck, maybe I order another half dozen since it's a cheap plastic part that obviously can fail...

Just heard back from customer support.   I can take the time to ship it back, pay for shipping, pay them to fix it and then pay to get it back.   All on an $85 tool with $.05 of broken parts that are usable replaceable.

No thanks..  I'll go try a competitors product.   It's a damn shame, I really like the tool.  But the design blows.  If light use kills it and every few years it's going back for repairs, I'll just try something else.